3rd Algarve Breast Cancer Congress under the theme “Women and Integrative Health”
– January 26, 2024 | Text Alexandra Stilwell

The Algarve Breast Cancer Congress will take place this February 16 at the Vila Galé Hotel in Lagos, both in person and online via Zoom.
The event is a unique opportunity for all cancer patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to come together and share their experiences and knowledge.
The initiative will address breast cancer from a multidisciplinary and biopsychosocial approach, “promoting empowerment and knowledge to everyone who is faced with this diagnosis from one moment to the next”, says the organisation. “We believe informing and educating the population is a fundamental premise for the recovery of patients with breast cancer”.
A variety of topics related to breast cancer will be discussed at the 3rd Algarve Breast Cancer Congress – Women and Integrative Health, including the importance of nutrition, exercise, and emotional well-being as well as the latest advances in conventional therapies, complementary and integrative therapies.
The speakers will also share recent research and innovative discoveries on breast cancer, as in previous editions, and discuss how the integrative approach can benefit women at different stages of the disease.
Since the 1st edition, the Organising Committee is solely made up of physiotherapists: Tânia Camilo, CEO of Tecnifisio – Specialised Physiotherapy and well-being, Jacqueline Tavares, coordinator of the oncology area of Tecnifisio – Specialised Physiotherapy and well-being, and Conceição Andrade, physiotherapist in the area of oncology at Saúde Estrutural Lisboa and collaborator at the Champalimaud Foundation.
The Scientific Committee is made up of Professor Ana Paula Fontes, a training consultant at the Hospital Particular do Algarve and professor at the University of Algarve, Doctor David Pinto, a breast surgeon at the Champalimaud Foundation, Doctor Gabriela Valadas, director of the Breast Centre of the Algarve University Hospital Centre and Dr Catarina Ribeiro, oncologist and founder of the AIM Cancer Centre.
This event will allow cancer patients, caregivers, and health professionals to share their knowledge and experiences, improving the quality of life for women who are fighting breast cancer.
There are different registration tiers with varying fees, and the Congress is open to patients, their families, caregivers, health professionals, and anybody interested in integrative health and breast cancer. Register here to learn more about the speakers and schedule of the 3rd Algarve Breast Cancer Congress.
A portion of the (mandatory) registration fees will be donated to the Algarve Oncological Association following the event’s solidary nature.